Monday, August 24, 2009


A big Thank You to photographer, writer and instructor Bob Krist who generously provided me with an article he had written some years ago about photographing Stockholm. Not only did he provide a Sense of Place, but also very specific information on when and where to shoot. While I lack Bob’s experience and expertise, I fully appreciated his photo tips. Check out Bob’s website, blog, workshop schedule and more at

Unfortunately, due to overcrowded trains and scheduling problems we did not get to spend as much time in Stockholm as we had originally planned, but come take a look at some of what we saw…

Join the tourists photographing one another in front of City Hall...

Wander the streets of “Old Town” (Gamla Stan)...

Or take a water taxi through the “Venice of the north” (but much cleaner!)...


Since our time was limited I chose to prowl the edges of this event rather than spend an hour or more securing a front row position in the huge, eager crowd for the primary display….

This young guard kept a close watch to be sure that
my camera and I didn’t cross THE line again.
VENICE? - OK, these next images are not great photography, but there’s a story here: As our water taxi with about 100 passengers aboard entered one of the city locks, this high powered red Ferrari pulled in alongside, occasionally revving the engine to make its presence more obvious. Understand that the locks are narrow but these adventurers seemed to think that their feet, legs and hands would serve as adequate fenders against the lock walls and adjacent boats. Fortunately for them their flashy vessel did not get harshly clanged between the walls and the taxi like the next one that tried to squeeze in. I’d say they get an “A” for flash but an “F” for seamanship!
SKANSEN - A living history museum somewhat like Williamsburg or Sturbridge Village in the US…
Folk dancing from various parts of Scandinavia which Rick Steves and his crew were filming for an upcoming PBS episode of Rick Steves’ Europe
And this one-shoed putti in the Skansen rose garden…
VASA - On our last morning we squeezed in a visit to the Vasa museum. If you are interested in nautical history, architecture or archeology check out the vessel’s story at Vasa Museet

1 comment:

Barrier Island Girl said...

Polly, I just love the photos and information!