Sunday, August 09, 2009

It’s been awhile, ok, a LONG while, since I’ve blogged, but I’ve decided to pick up the thread as a way to keep friends and family informed of where we are and what we’re doing on our extended “holiday”.
This won’t be a daily event, but rather, a random effort - I’m just not as dedicated as all the wonderful, committed “City Daily Bloggers” who’s work and constancy I admire. If you’ve never
read them before here are a few to check out:
At the moment we are in Berlin getting the insider architectural tour from John (J3) and Emily. But before arriving here, John & I spent a few Days in the Rheingau, the region of castles and wine.
We did the tourist things like cruising the Rhine to see a different castle around each bend; rode the chairlift up from Assmannhausen then hiked over to see the 132’ tall Niederwald national shrine, before gliding downhill in a small two-person gondola suspended above the vineyards. This region was also home to Hildegard von Bigen who’s abbey still stands and where we heard, but could not see the cloistered nuns as they sang vespers.

A comfortable train ride brought us to Berlin where J3 has been teaching architecture for the last three summers. He and Em, who has a Ph.D. in architectural history are extremely knowledgeable about the buildings and the socio-political history behind them.

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