Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
A big Thank You to photographer, writer and instructor Bob Krist who generously provided me with an article he had written some years ago about photographing Stockholm. Not only did he provide a Sense of Place, but also very specific information on when and where to shoot. While I lack Bob’s experience and expertise, I fully appreciated his photo tips. Check out Bob’s website, blog, workshop schedule and more at
Unfortunately, due to overcrowded trains and scheduling problems we did not get to spend as much time in Stockholm as we had originally planned, but come take a look at some of what we saw…
Join the tourists photographing one another in front of City Hall...

Since our time was limited I chose to prowl the edges of this event rather than spend an hour or more securing a front row position in the huge, eager crowd for the primary display….

Sunday, August 23, 2009
After a quick, early morning change of trains in Cologne, Germany, we boarded our final train to Paris, a high speed Thalys. If we were impressed yesterday with first class comfort and free wifi at 130 mph (see the post that shows up just below the "Bergen" post - I can't find a way to move it!) just think how much more impressed we are with our ride on the Thalys system at 180 mph as we start the final leg of our journey back to Paris… Almost everyone onboard was attentive to a computer or Blackberry. Guess that’s what happens when the scenery goes by so fast!
Here's our 5 minute look at the famous Cologne cathedral...

But again, I'm jumping ahead, so let me take you back to Stockholm, our last city stay before heading "home" to Paris...
Saturday, August 22, 2009

With apologies to Willie Nelson we are "On the train again…."

Welcome to Bergen…

As I write this entry we are zipping through the Swedish countryside at 130 mph on a high speed train with seats and leg room equal to first-class air travel; the added convenience of electrical connections AND free internet!!! We are like kids in a candy store trying out the technology. The only thing that does not work perfectly is our Skpe-to-phone (US), but I suspect that will improve over time. Perhaps we have this on commuter trains in the States, but I think the Europeans are far ahead of us in their use of technology: today we visited a museum – the Vasa – where you can download the audio explanations to your MP3 or iPod rather than getting an audio guide from the museum. Here’s John catching up with his email…

But, I’m getting ahead of the blog, so let me take you back to Norway for just a bit…
Friday, August 21, 2009

Oslo’s celebration of summer was in full swing with music festivals ranging from Chamber to Rock; a “Mela Festival” encompassing a mélange foods and traditions from many nations when the rain moved in and shifted our focus from outdoors to museums.
We got weather-lucky again Sunday morning and took advantage of it by visiting Vigeland Park Here are a few images of the gates and sculptures….