Monday, May 31, 2010

Doing What We do Best..

Meals, Markets & Museums

Our favorite "high end" restaurant in Paris...
Great food, great value!

If you need "a little something", there's always a market going on somewhere in Paris

Not even a dismal drizzle can deter determined tourists!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bonne Fête de Maman

It's Mother's Day in France...
Meilleurs vœux à toutes les mamans
(Best wishes to all the moms!)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nous sommes revenus à Paris!
(We have returned to Paris!)

Veuillez nous joindre pour une visite virtuelle…
(Please join us for a virtual visit...)

Make visiting simple, sign up to follow the Polly's Paris blog. It's EASY and takes only a moment or two - just click on "FOLLOW" on the right side of this page, then "follow" the directions. You can list any blogs that you want to keep up with and know in a flash when they have new posts!

What better place to take a cure-your-jet-lag stroll on a sunny day than in the impressive Jardin des Plantes?

Followed by an evening visit to Place St. Catherine, just behind our Marais apartment.  It's a placid little pocket-park ringed by bistros and always busy!