Saturday, November 07, 2009


The leaves have fallen, the skies have darkened and by the time you see this we will be soaking up the Florida sunshine in preparation for a trip to New York.  But Paris always beckons, so we'll be back in the spring to enjoy the city and to celebrate the wedding of young friends.....

Please let me know if you want to continue to be updated on future posts and thanks for following along on our long summer journey.  

Best to all, 

A note from photographer Peter Turnley...

"On Nov. 9th, twenty years will have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dropping of the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe in 1989. It was a year in modern world history like few others. I had the extraordinary good fortune to witness firsthand all of the revolutions in Eastern Europe that year and this period not only affected the geopolitical life of the world in a decisive way, but impacted the personal life history of anyone present, including my own.

I wanted to let you know that on Sunday morning, Nov.8th, between 9am-10:30am Eastern time, the CBS News Sunday Morning show will air a piece using my images and voice as a look back at this very important moment in modern history."

See Peter"s work and teaching schedule by clicking on his name above.

I've put this on my calendar and hope you will too.... PSC

Friday, November 06, 2009


What a privilege it has been to watch my former exchange student, Olivier, grow from impetuous teen to loving husband and adoring father....